姓名 |
李晶 |
性别 |
女 |

出生年月 |
1983年3月 |
政治面貌 |
中共党员 |
民族 |
侗 |
籍贯 |
湖南 |
学历/学位 |
研究生/博士 |
职称 |
教授 |
是否硕导/博导 |
硕导 |
个人邮箱 |
jing-li83@hotmail.com |
研究方向 |
图论及其应用、互连网络的拓扑性质研究 |
主讲课程 |
高等代数、矩阵分析、组合网络理论 |
学术兼职 |
山西省数学会理事、美国数学会Mathematical Reviews评论员 |
2001.09—2005.06 山西大学数学科学学院,获理学学士学位;
2005.09—2011.06 山西大学数学科学学院,获理学博士学位;
2011.07— 至今 纽约国际上网导航教师;
2017.09—2018.08 美国奥克兰大学数学与统计学院访问学者
1. 2011年获山西省自然科学类科技进步三等奖
2. 2015年评为山西省优秀青年学术带头人
3. 2016、2019年指导学生参加全国大学生数学建模大赛分别获国家二等奖、一等奖。
4. 2018年入选“三晋英才”.
1. 专著《互连网络的容错嵌入》,科学出版社,2012.
2. 专著《Torus网络的容错性》,西安交通大学出版社,2017.
1.基于并行系统规则网络的容错嵌入研究,山西省自然科学基金, 2013-2015主持.
1. Jing Li, Zhen Lv, Di Liu, Yong Xu,Stochastic vibration analysis of a nonlinear oscillator with symmetric viscoelastic impact protection under wide-band noise excitations, Meccanica, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11012-022-01505-9.
2.YuxingYang, JingLi, Hybrid fault-tolerant prescribed hyper-hamiltonianlaceability of hypercubes, Theoretical Computer Science, 2021, 888: 108-116.
3. JingLi, XujingLi, EddieCheng, Super spanning connectivity of split-star networks, Information Processing Letters 166 (2021) 106037.
4. Jing Li, Chris Melekian, Shurong Zuo, Eddie Cheng, Unpaired Many-to-Many Disjoint Path Covers on Bipartite k-Ary n-Cube Networks with Faulty Elements, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,Vol. 31, No. 3 (2020) 371-383.
5. Yuxing Yang, Jing Li, Shiying Wang,Embedding fault-free hamiltonian paths with prescribed linear forests into faulty ternary n-cubes,Theoretical Computer Science,767, 1-15, 2019.
6. Jing Li,GuorenWang,Lichao Chen, Paired 2-disjoint path covers of multi-dimensional torus networks with 2n − 3 faulty edges,Theoretical Computer Science,677,1-11,2017.
7. Yuxing Yang, Jing Li, Shiying Wang, Embedding various cycles with prescribed paths into k-ary n-cubes, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 220, 161–169, 2017.
8. Jing Li, Di Liu,Xiaohui Gao,Hamiltonian cycles in hypercubes with more faulty edges,International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 94(6), 1155-1171, 2017.
9. Jing Li, Yuxing Yang, Xiaohui Gao, Hamiltonicity of the torus network under the conditional fault model, International journal of foundations of computer science, 28(3), 211-227, 2017.
10. Jun Yuan, Aixia Liu, Xiao Qin, Jifu Zhang, Jing Li, g-Good-neighbor conditional diagnosability measures for 3-ary n-cube networks,Theoretical Computer Science, 626,144–162, 2016.
11. Jing Li, Di Liu, Yuxing Yang, Jun Yuan, One-to-one disjoint path covers on multi-dimensional tori, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 92 (6), 1114-1123,2015.
12. Shiying Wang, Jing Li, Yuxing Yang, Unchanging the diameter of k-ary n-cube networks with faulty vertices,International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 92(1), 15-28,2015.
13. Yuxing Yang, Shiying Wang, Jing Li, Subnetwork preclusion for bubble-sort networks, Information Processing Letters ,115, 817–821,2015.
14. Jing Li, Shiying Wang, Yuxing Yang, Panconnectivity and pancyclicity of the 3-ary n-cube network under the path restrictions, Applied Mathematics and Computation 243, 339–348, 2014.
15. Liu Di, Li Jing, Xu Yong, Principal resonance responses of SDOF systems with small fractional derivative damping under narrow-band random parametric excitation. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 19(10), 3642-3652, 2014.
16. Yuxing Yang, Shiying Wang, Jing Li, Conditional connectivity of recursive interconnection networks respect to embedding restriction, Information Sciences 279, 273–279, 2014.
17. Jing Li, Di Liu, Jun Yuan. The super spanning connectivity and super spanning laceability of tori with faulty elements. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci., 24, 921-939, 2013.
18. Shiying Wang, Jing Li, Shangwei Lin, RuixiaWang,Fault-tolerant embedding of cycles of various lengths in k-ary n-cubes,Information and Computation, 230, 55-66,2013.
19. Jun Yuan,AixiaLiu,HongmeiWu,Jing Li. Panconnectivity of n-dimensional torus networks with faulty vertices and edges. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161(3): 404-423, 2013.
20. Jing Li, Di Liu. k-Pancyclicity of k-ary n-cube networks under the conditional fault model, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 23(6): 1115-1120, 2012.
21. Jing Li, Di Liu, Jun Yuan. Pancyclicity of k-ary n-cube networks with faulty vertices and edges. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 163(3): 231-238, 2012.
22. Shiying Wang, Kai Feng, Shurong Zhang, Jing Li. Embedding long cycles in faulty k-ary 2-cubes. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(9): 5409-5413, 2012.
23. Jing Li, Shiying Wang, Di Liu, Shangwei Lin. Edge-bipancyclicity of the k-ary n-cubes with faulty nodes and edges. Information Science, 181(1): 2260-2267, 2011.
24. Shiying Wang, Jing Li, Ruixia Wang. Hamiltonian paths and cycles with pres-cribed edges in the 3-ary n-cube. Information Science, 181(14): 3054-3065, 2011.
25. Jing Li, Shiying Wang, Di Liu. Pancyclicity of ternary n-cube networks under the conditional fault model. Information Processing Letters, 111(8): 370-374, 2011.
26. Shiying Wang, Yuxing Yang, Jing Li. Hamiltonian cycles passing through linear forests in k-ary n-cubes. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 159(14): 1425-1435, 2011.
27. Shiying Wang, Jing Li, Lihong Wu, Shangwei Lin. Neighborhood Conditions for Graphs to be Super Restricted Edge Connected. Networks, 56: 11-19, 2010.
28. Di Liu, Jing Li. Many-to-many n-disjoint path covers in n-dimensional hypercubes. Information Processing Letters, 110(14): 580-584, 2010.
29. Shiying Wang, Jing Li, Wei Han, Shangwei Lin. The base sets of quasi-primitive zero-symmetric sign. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 433(3): 595-605, 2010.
30. Shiying Wang, Ruixia Wang, Shangwei Lin, Jing Li. Matching preclusion for k-ary n-cubes. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 158(18): 2066-2070, 2010.